Your Personalized, AI-Based Language Learning

The modern way to pick up and perfect a new language!

Your Personalized, AI-Based Language Learning

The modern way to pick up and perfect a new language!

Talk To The World

Fela operates at the cutting edge of AI in language learning. You’ve heard the sentiment many times over – “the internet has made the world a smaller place.” Now we can work, play, and chat with anyone, anywhere on the planet. But that doesn’t always make it easy. Fortunately, technology also paves the way to chat, flirt, and market to people in any language beyond the crutch of Google translate!

Gamify Your Language Retention

Picking up a new language should be simple, second nature, and fun. When you were a child learning to speak your first language, you were simply imitating your parents and jumping into your favorite storybooks. Shouldn’t the process be that natural? Gone are the days of second-guessing your pronunciation or struggling with foreign grammar rules. AI and machine learning allow you to read, listen, write, speak and master the language of your choice with the ease of playing a game on your iPhone.

Automate Your Way To Fluency

You’ve also heard that “everyone has their own learning style” – the way your brain prefers to make connections and absorb new knowledge and information. Nowhere is this more true than adapting to the style and structure of a new language. So what if you could give yourself a teacher that customized their instructions to the methods that work for you? Fela is a tailor-made tutor to help you succeed!

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